Lista allergeni:

Per informazioni circa gli ingredienti allergenici presenti nelle ricette a disposizione in questo esercizio si prega di rivolgersi, prima di ordinare il pasto o la bevanda, al Responsabile di sala.
Our food and beverage could contain ingredients or adjuvants considered allergens so please ask to our waiters.


(1) Arachidi e derivati/peanuts and products thereof
(2) Frutta a guscio/nuts namely
(3) Latte e derivati/milk and products thereof
(4) Molluschi/molluscs and products thereof
(5) Pesce/fish
(6) Sesamo/sesame seeds products thereof
(7) Soia/soybeans and products thereof
(8) Crostacei/crustaceans and products thereof
(9) Glutine/gluten
(10) Lupini/lupin
(11) Senape/mustard
(12) Sedano/Celery
(13) Anidride solforosa e solfiti/ Sulphur dioxide and sulphites
(14) Uova e derivati/egg and products thereof
By Checchin Software S.r.l.